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1st degree: Involves only the epidermis (outer layer of skin) and may show some peeling and redness. Think of a slight sunburn. This is considered a minor burn.

2nd degree: Involves parts of the dermis (inner layer) and displays wide variation from red and blistered to painful and swollen. If the burn is on the hands, feet, face, groin, buttocks, or a major joint, it's considered a major burn and requires immediate medical care.

3rd degree: Involves all of the dermis and displays a whitish color. There is no pain when you press o nth eburn since the nerve endings are destroyed. This is considered a major burn and requires immediate medical care.

4th degree: Damage extends to tendons and bones, and there is no pain since the nerve endings are destroyed. This is considered a major burn and requires immediate medical care.


Top 2 Rules of Fire Safety:

  1. Don't leave fires, candles, stoves, space heaters, or BBQs that are lit or on unattended
  2. Keep small children and pets away from all flammable heat sources
    • Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove or use back burners
    • Never throw water on a grease fire; keep a pan, metal lid, or cookie sheet nearby to smother the flames
    • Wear oven mitts and roll up long sleeves
    • Replace heating pads and electric blankets after five years
    • Set your water heater to 120 degrees fahrenheit or low-medium; hotter water can burn within 2 to 3 seconds
    • Do not burn items such as wrapping paper, pizza boxes, pressed wood products, or synthetics like Styrofoam in the fireplace as they can produce extreme heat and flames as well as toxic black smoke.


For Major Burns: Don't use ice, ice water, or even very cold water.

According to Medical City Plano Burn & Reconstructive Centers of Texas, severe burns shouldn't be treated with ice or ice water because the area can become so cold that additional damage is done. Protect the burn area from pressure and friction and wrap in a thick, clean, dry cotton cloth; use a clean sheet if the burn area is large.

Don't apply butter, ointments or sprays.

Butter and other greasy substances may cause infections and will have to be removed by the ER doctor, making it harder to treat the wound.

Don't give a severely burned person anything by mouth or raise their head if there is an airway burn.

This can cause an airway construction.